
Monday, 28 November 2016

Love your kink

So you guys already know my hair journey,

My tag line at the end of every post is always to love your kink and there's a reason why I say that. We were brought up into a society (I don't want to go into the full history of slavery and how the slave masters conditioned our minds to dislike everything that is ours but you will get pieces) where we now fail to recognize that what we have is beautiful just the way it is.

We always either consciously or unconsciously try to emulate western standards of beauty when who you are and what you have is beautiful as is. From not liking darker skin, to not liking how kinky our hair is (why can't it be a lil straighter) to our eyes, nose and mouth shapes. 
While we are hating on ourselves the western culture is trying to emulate us. I remember reading an article on a trend where caucasian girls with type 1a hair was talking about having fro's (I looked again for the article and I could not find it). What about Kylie Jenner and her groundbreaking cornrows huh? Remember when the media thought it was the hottest thing since slice bread because she did it?

It is sad that we do not accept who and what we are because of years of being conditioned not to. It is time ladies, time that we put aside the combs and brushes, time that we put aside the edge control and the gels, time that we put aside the mindset that we don't have "good hair" and time to start loving ourselves just for who we are.

Your hair is your crown, your pride and joy, the connection to who you are as a woman, as a person. It is your dna, your culture, your uniqueness. Accept it, love it, appreciate it and take care of it.

And as always
Love your kink


Hair and exercise Yay!!!

Oh my gosh guys,

So my second colaboration is with my girl Swan (sistahs I tell you sistahs).
We both love our Natural hair, and we both love to work out because we both are on our fitness journeys. Our styles are a bit different when it comes to both our hair and our work out plans and programs but I tell you sistahs!

Check out the vid blog below of what we talked about (everything).

We had fun together on this, and dropped some info on you guys as well as a mini promo for courts and google (I kid you not).

Hope you guys enjoy it and remember to love your kink.


Shadowshaper( the book)

Hey guys,

I'm an avid reader, I love fiction, and I love when the protagonist of a book is someone I can relate to. I'm doing this article in collaboration with my girl Adina and you can check out her youtube channel bellow.

 In his book Shadowshaper by Daniel Jose Older that is exactly what happened, I could've relate to his protagonist Sierra.

Just looking at the cover of his book had me curious. Then I started to read. Now mind you the book was a bit slow in the begining but I pushed through and did not regret it.

I'm not going to give you any spoilers, just a general bio and a scene that touched me in my solar plexus...(that's a place in our bodies right? if not it should be)

So Shadowshaper is about a young girl of Puerto Rican decent that lives in New York who finds out that she is part of a shadowshaping heritage. Her grandfather and the old domino playing boys on the block are part of this elite "boys club". Somehow though she gets wrapped up in it and piece by piece learns about her heritage of shaping spirits into any art form. The conflict though is that the the main spirit is gone, and someone is killing out all the old boys on the block using shadowshaping. Sierra sets about saving her heritage and in the interim finds out a big secret about her own family.

The scene that touched me the most though is the part where her dark skin, wild hair hating aunt who constantly brings the protagonist down about her looks and dark skin got put in place, like seriously. Sierra could not take it anymore. One day when the stress of all the secrets was getting to her, her aunt chose that time to say something about my girl's hair. Sierra laid into her aunt about how much she loves her hair and her skin color and that her aunt isn't much different herself.

I'm not saying no more, but that scene made the book for me. I usually don't read male fiction authors often because I feel like their connection to the female characters are one dimentional but Daniel Jose Older got Sierra, he got how a young girl at that age thinks and feels and he got how other's concept of her appearance affects her. For that and that alone I say good job Daniel Jose Older.

One thing though is that Sierra showed me how much we need to...
Love and accept our kink


Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Chris Rock's Good Hair


For those of you who did not know, Chris Rock (the actor) did a documentary on the term good hair and what exactly does it mean. His motivation? His daughter and wanting her to love every part of herself (did I hear some awws there?).

This film was released in 2009 and I absolutely recomend that you get it and watch it. I mean come on it's Chris Rock so of coarse it's going to be funny, yet he hits home with some truths in there.

This documentary opens your eyes to many falsehoods that was fed to us about how our hair should look and helps you accept that your hair is gorgeous just the way it is.

I have to give him kudos for this.

Well what are you waiting on? Go get the movie!

Oh and please,

Love your kink.


Kim Kerdashian adjusting to her daughter's hair


I am normally not a follower of the Kerdashians, but I saw this video and I have to give Kim some mad props for trying to understand her daughter's hair.

A lot of moms with daughters who have mixed hair often do not know what to do with their hair. They give up and just leave it loose and crazy, for her to make the effort to understand and learn her daughters hair type to me, this is applaudable.

Check out this video below and tell me what your opinion is.

Remember guys,

Always love your kink


Protective hairstyles


As much as we would like to just wash our hair and go about our day, the harsh reality is that curly to kinky hair cannot constantly be left in an afro because of the wind, humidity, life... you get the point.
So protective hairstyles are a way to keep our hair protected as well as look good. Also combing our hair everyday will break and damage our natural curls.

I'm going to keep it short, because this is not my strong point. I go to a hairdresser for these things. Sadly for a natural hairlista I cannot do cornrows to save my life, flat twists... yeah!!
Don't judge me!

Don't get me wrong, cornrows aren't the only protective hairstyle out there. There are many, please check out this website that has 45 of them. Gotta love our options.

When you see styles and options like this you just gotta:-
Love your kink.



Sup people's,

For those of you who don't know what TWA stand for Imma lay it down for ya!

Teeny Weeny Afros:- I know totes redic right? But I love it, and I love them. Check out some of these awesome TWA's, which do you think would look good on you?


Oh my I would be posting putting images like crazy so i'm going to stop now. There are tons more, if you are on pinterest (btw pinterest is life) check out some twa's you would die of envy.

Oh and remember,
Love Ya Kink Baibehz!!!